EVERY day. EVERY day, I read this and EVERY day I am still amazed at the lack of awareness of what's going on. Are everyday people just not aware of these events, or are they keeping track but still think it's normal? I honestly don't get it.

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The thing is ...

The Rat Juice is 'safe and effective'... ya there are a few heart issues... but that's very rare... same with all vaccines... nothing is 100% safe.. Tens of millions of lives have been saved.

All these 'Died Suddenly' incidents... people been dying suddenly forever -- just cuz someone aggregates them on a fringe platform like Substack is meaningless.

And all those other side effects that people attribute to the Rat Juice -- that's nonsense ... vaccines don't cause stuff like that - you are a conspearissssy theorist lunatic...

I've gotta run -- its time for my 7th Rat Juice shot -- I got covid last month and I thought I was gonna die -- thank god I took that 6th shot -- I was getting too complacent... now I take every shot as soon as it's offered!!!

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Great coverage!

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