Boater down, fairgoer down, a driver flies off the road, and another is stopped from doing the same. Cadet dies suddenly, another car wreck, and a guy manages to light his car on fire...
#2 bus crash into apt building - not a word about the driver's condition! Is he dead? Did he recover after the crash, etc. etc. and also, another woman on site, not on the bus, had a medical emergency at the same time! A real Twofer! WTF with the burning car in the parking lot! Have you ever heard of such a thing before? #15 - very TROME indeed. #18 is borderline hilarious - can you imagine chasing a car only to find out the driver is having a ME? I wonder what it was that allowed the driver to initiate a high speed chase? Five dead so far this year at Riker's - we're not even done month 8. #23 - yeah, ok, now it's not safe to drink milk or you'll have an allergic reaction even though it's never happened before. Sure Jan. Thanks for the most entertaining posts, always.
Well, basically all the zombie drivers that smash the pedal could be the parking lot guy. It's rare though because most time in the car is spent driving... This guy just went out to his car because he was feeling bad already.
But that's what chance is like. The race car driver on the race track last week was new to me.
In talking to folks who participate in the pharma harma, I am hearing them say that foods they used to eat are now a problem, this from someone who was nearly killed with Remdesiver and intubation. They want us allergic to normal foods. They have the power to do so.
#2 bus crash into apt building - not a word about the driver's condition! Is he dead? Did he recover after the crash, etc. etc. and also, another woman on site, not on the bus, had a medical emergency at the same time! A real Twofer! WTF with the burning car in the parking lot! Have you ever heard of such a thing before? #15 - very TROME indeed. #18 is borderline hilarious - can you imagine chasing a car only to find out the driver is having a ME? I wonder what it was that allowed the driver to initiate a high speed chase? Five dead so far this year at Riker's - we're not even done month 8. #23 - yeah, ok, now it's not safe to drink milk or you'll have an allergic reaction even though it's never happened before. Sure Jan. Thanks for the most entertaining posts, always.
Well, basically all the zombie drivers that smash the pedal could be the parking lot guy. It's rare though because most time in the car is spent driving... This guy just went out to his car because he was feeling bad already.
But that's what chance is like. The race car driver on the race track last week was new to me.
Still, I don't know how that could happen. Mama Mia! Yeah, that race car driver - kind of chilling...
In talking to folks who participate in the pharma harma, I am hearing them say that foods they used to eat are now a problem, this from someone who was nearly killed with Remdesiver and intubation. They want us allergic to normal foods. They have the power to do so.
We're at a moment of crisis for sure.
They're spraying the crops with paraquat at this point. It's beyond.