Good thing all medical journals were deemed rotten to the core a few years ago and have only proven themselves to be just that in the past 3 years. This just takes the cake. Honestly, no one believes any of them anymore. I'm sticking to the belief that these weirdos/psychopaths are pulling out all the stops to try to pretend they're in charge when they aren't. I don't really think they're going to be able to pull it off. Imagine 200 "scientific" journals agreeing on the same thing. That's how you know it's not science but marketing.

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"Imagine 200 "scientific" journals agreeing on the same thing. That's how you know it's not science but marketing." Yup. That consensus is always a dead giveaway. I noticed that back in the 90's when they really started ramping up the global warming skit. There was never any pushback in any of the articles in any of the major publications. It was very much a marketing routine.

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100% - I always felt like watching lamestream media was like being in a 3rd grade class and the announcers were like teachers, talking down to the stupid little kids. Most of their tactics are completely transparent if you've had any experiences in life with abusers. "the global warming SKIT." 🤣

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You're correct about diabetes (and all kinds of previous conditions) being worsened by the CONvid shots. I had a friend whose husband had diabetes and a couple of jabs and he's dead now. First had total numbness in one foot/lower leg and kidney issues which he didn't have before the shots - I mean he wasn't 100% healthy but it was clear the shots sent him down the wrong road fast. Then later they wanted to amputate the foot but they didn't get to it before he just kicked off. It was horrible and shocking. My brother was murdered with 2 shots also. Got all kinds of sudden, inoperable turbo cancers with his colon literally dying while he was still alive. So effing cruel.

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Zoe - my sincerest condolences to you in the losses you have experienced

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That's very sweet of you San - thank you Dear. ♥️

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Somehow I think having the school bus drivers report to doctors more often will not improve health outcomes, in fact, will make more accidents occur. Tragic circus.

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