The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 70 - July 30th Reports
Influencers, passengers, whippersnappers, students, swimmers, and bodybuilders -- no one is safe in TROME
1) IShowSpeed Says He Needs Emergency Surgery Over Swollen Eye: 'It Feels Like Somebody Is Stabbing My Eye With a Knife'
‘Social media star IShowSpeed has revealed he's going through a medical situation overseas, and fans are wondering what happened to him.
On Sunday, Speed uploaded a video of himself on a stretcher inside an ambulance, and his right eye was swollen shut. The 18-year-old also had a bandage wrapped around his head as EMTs worked behind him. According to the streamer, he was on his way to have emergency surgery to fix whatever was going on with him.
"Hello guys, quick update, I don't know what I have right now. I'm about to go through surgery right now. I love y'all boys so much," Speed said. "I have been feeling shit, literally, its pretty bad. My eyes are puffing up, it feels like somebody is stabbing my eye with a knife..., and I have a headache, like, right in this area."
Speed showed where the pain was on his face and added, "I wanted to give you boys an update because I don't know what is going to happen to me. I want y'all boys to always be right there with me until I die. I don't know but when I get back home I am probably going to chill from travel for a bit because a lot is going on."’ [Emphasis added]
Hm. What is going on with this guy?
iShowSpeed fans gather outside hospital as YouTuber continues to fight 'deadly' illness
‘‘IShowSpeed fans have gathered outside the Japanese hospital the YouTuber is being treated in to show their support amid his ongoing health struggles.
The 18-year-old is currently receiving treatment in Tokyo after sharing footage of himself receiving treatment in hospital with a "deadly headache."
The influencer, real name Darren Watkins Jr, was noticeably distressed with one eye closed and the other severely swollen after suffering a severe sinus infection.’ [Emphasis added]
Oh, boy.
What happened to iShowSpeed as YouTuber fears he 'might die' from 'deadly cluster headache'
‘He told fans: "Right now, I have one of the worst experiences I am having right now. I can't even open up my eyes. I have this thing called a cluster headache. A deadly headache disease. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't do anything right now.
"It hurts so bad, chat. It hurts so bad. I can't do anything. It hurts. Everything I do, like, something pounding my head every time and I'm so angry."’ [Emphasis added]
[…] My eye's puffing up. It feels like a stab. It feels like somebody is stabbing my eye with a knife. Boom, boom, boom, boom. And, I have a headache right in this area."’ [Emphasis added]
I don’t really know if “cluster headache” is much of a medical diagnosis. Sounds grave.
2) EasyJet flight diverted after passenger medical emergency on board
‘An easyJet flight to Edinburgh was forced to divert to Liverpool after a medical emergency on board.
Flight EZY312 took off from London’s Stansted Airport at 5.20pm on Sunday but was forced to interrupt its journey when a passenger needed urgent medical care as it flew over the Peak District.’ [Emphasis added]
And that’s about that regarding the state of the passenger.
‘Earlier this month, the airline blamed “unprecedented” air traffic control disruption for a large number of flight cancellations this summer.
The Independent revealed that the airline had cancelled 1,700 flights to and from its main base, London Gatwick, in July, August and September.
Around 180,000 passengers were affected, with 300,000 seats taken out of the summer market. The move was aimed to stabilise the operation. In the past few weeks, hundreds of easyJet flights have been cancelled to and from the Sussex airport, often late in the evening.’ [Emphasis added]
The airlines have to know what’s going on. It’s their pilots dying.
Corrupt bastards are sitting there shotted themselves. Their families are shotted. Their doctors. Their lawyers. Their bankers. Their employees.
It’s never been so easy to feel so much better than other people before. It’s pretty easy to do that these days. And it’s not for being so wise, or so smart, or so strong. It’s just for not being so stupid. Sometimes the reason you don’t have myocarditis, or blood clots, or an aneurysm, or an atrial fibrilation, or a pulmonary embolism, or blood on the brain — What am I here? A medical encyclopedia? — or a turbo cancer that you thought was a headache but then it killed you four days later, or one that hits you even though you’re only, say, a woman in your twenties and this cancer usually only affects older middle-aged men but it hit you anyway and it eats your bones (TROME Pt. 69 — yesterday), sometimes the reason you missed all of that — is because you’re just better.
3) Delhi-Bound Air India Flight Returns To Melbourne Due To Medical Emergency
‘A Delhi-bound Air India flight returned to Melbourne due to a medical emergency after being airborne for more than one hour on Sunday morning, according to an airline official.
The flight AI309, operated with a Boeing Dreamliner, took off again after de-planing the unwell passenger and his family members and later landed at Delhi airport in the evening at around 2130 hours.
The official said that one passenger was feeling unwell and a doctor onboard suggested that the passenger needed to be hospitalised. Since it was a medical emergency, the flight which was airborne for a little over one hour returned to Melbourne in the morning, the official said.
Details about the number of passengers onboard could not be immediately ascertained.’ [Emphasis added]
4) Heads up whippersnappers, strokes aren’t just an ‘old person problem’ anymore
EDIT: An earlier version of this story omitted the actual stroke story in the story! Sorry about that. I feel like a doofus. I had just skipped to the statistics part. The stroke story is about a nurse in Colorado. Colorado always sticks out in my mind because Sharyl Atkinson did an interview called “Miscounting Covid” with a coroner from Colorado who found a murder-suicide had been listed as two covid deaths, and that when she brought the case up the ladder, she was told there was nothing they could do. On it went up the chain to the Governor’s office, and he told her, like everybody else, that there was nothing he could do.
Anyhoo, here’s that part. Apologies to everyone that will have missed this part of the story. Strokes in young people is an issue that just makes the “prove it’s the shots” crowd look stupider and stupider, and they know it. So letting them know the story of a 24 year-old nurse that had a stroke makes the story of the 28 year-old neuroscience undergrad that had a stroke, that’s in the next story after this one, that much more compelling.
‘[On] Jan. 23, 24-year-old Mariah Sloan was thrown a curveball when she experienced one of those “old people problems” — a stroke.’ [Emphasis added]
‘The Greeley native is a certified nursing assistant at UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland and was, luckily, at work when things started going sideways.’ [Emphasis added]
‘“The UNC nursing student who sat next to me asked me how I was doing, and at the moment, I couldn’t say anything,” Sloan said. “I couldn’t get out the words.”’ [Emphasis added]
Before she realized that anything was seriously wrong, Sloan was slumped in the chair with co-workers rushing over to see what was wrong.’
‘“Never in a thousand years would I have thought about having a stroke. Going into cardiac arrest or having a heart attack, absolutely. But a stroke, never,” Sloan said. “Strokes were once an old man’s tale. Now it’s a young person’s tale, let alone a young woman’s tale.”’ [Emphasis added]
‘“I was told they got the majority of the clot out of my brain. They said that there was little bits and pieces still left in there, but if they were to advance any further, it could cause some problems,” Sloan said.’
Happy ending in the land of TROME.
‘While Sloan’s medical team is not 100% certain, they think the cause of her stroke was due to the daily contraceptive medication she took.’
No, they’re not 100% certain. Lol. Not that crew.
The article continues with some interesting statistics.
‘“The age group of 18 to 45 is unfortunately increasing at a really scary rate. Stroke has always been the 65-plus disease, but we are seeing a little bit of a shift over the last few years to that 18 to 45 age group across our UCHealth facilities.”’ [Emphasis added]
A “little bit of a shift,” huh? Like what? 10 - 15%?
‘Stroke Program Manager Amanda Warner [said] “The percentage of patients in our stroke programs between the ages of 18 and 45 have doubled. Which is really unfortunate and not what you expect to see.”’ [Emphasis added]
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. No shit that’s what “we don’t want to see.” You know what else we don’t want to see? Doctors acting like ostriches with their goddamn heads in the sand.
‘“A lot of it is lifestyle. We like things fast, and we like things easy, and those usually aren’t very good for you,” Warner said. “And our access to things is easy, we don’t like to move as much. We like to play more, and that playtime is more screen time.”’ [Emphasis added]
Lifestyle. Right.
‘“Ten years ago, if someone like Mariah walked into an emergency room and said they thought they were having a stroke, they might have gotten a weird look,” Warner said.’
Three years ago you would have gotten that response. You would have gotten that response when covid started.
Well, whippersnappers, I think you’ll be just fine. The shotted, however, are basically the walking dead.
I decided to leave this story in the report after reading this one:
5) I was a neuroscience researcher studying brain regeneration. When I had a stroke at work at only 28, the quick thinking of my colleagues saved my life.

‘I was walking into my lab on The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center campus this spring when I tried to say goodbye to my mom, who was on the phone. Except, I couldn't find the words. I mumbled something and hung up.
I was lightheaded as I tried to get to work, and when I went to stand up, I fell over. My right side was paralyzed, and I couldn't speak. But my brain instantly knew I was having a stroke. I had become those patients I was fascinated with: I was trapped in my own body.’ [Emphasis added]
Neuroscience grad student has stroke. Copy that. What was the problem?
‘[My] neurosurgeon, showed me the actual clot that he'd removed from my brain. It was huge: about as long as a pinky tip’ [Emphasis added]
A blood clot the size of a pinky tip. Copy that.
They study vaccines down at Ohio State?
Young people having strokes, young people drowning…
6) Sterling man, 19, accidentally drowns in Lake Holiday
‘The Frederick County Sheriff's Office on Sunday morning recovered the body of a teenager believed to have accidentally drowned Saturday night in Lake Holiday near Cross Junction.’
‘According to the media release, Borjes-Garcia knew how to swim and had been doing so without any issues or signs of struggle, and no one saw him go underwater.’ [Emphasis added]
‘"As of the writing of this release, there are no indications or signs of foul play and this is believed to have been an accidental drowning," Gosnell wrote early Sunday afternoon.’
7) Baltimore RNLI provides a medical evacuation from Sherkin Island, west Cork
‘An off-duty Chicago firefighter died Sunday morning while swimming with his family in Lake Michigan after finishing a shift.
According to the Chicago Fire Department, emergency personnel were called to help and they found him underwater.’ [Emphasis added]
‘He was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center where he died.
The Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office has identified the firefighter as 43-year-old Wilbert Hayes. The CFD later confirmed Hayes as the off-duty firefighter who died swimming in Lake Michigan Sunday morning.’
‘A full investigation is being conducted into his death, Nance-Holt said.’
Let’s hope they find something.
8) Riverside Mo woman dies while attending the Chiefs training camp
‘Lifelong Chiefs fan, Jessica Tangen, Riverside Missouri, passed away on Sunday while attending the Chiefs training camp.’
‘KCTV5 reached out to Mosaic Life Care to ask the cause of death. At this time, no additional details were provided.’
9) “Was in a Puddle of Blood”: Powerlifter and Heart Transplant Survivor Reveals Horrifying Details of Hospital Visit Before His “New Life”
Okay, well, read this paragraph and then you know about as much as I do about this. There’s a video link in the article, but I don’t know the dates of any of this or really what happened. Maybe something else will come up soon.
‘Janek dealt with a lot of traumatic incidents in his journey to recovery. One of these incidents even landed him in a coma for several days, which shook his core. He had to get immediate surgery as a result of one of these hospital visits, during which he experienced a medical emergency. “But now that I got my transplant, I feel like I’ve got a new life,” stated Janek. However, after being inquired more by Tate, Chris revealed, “They put a…I think it was LVAD maybe in my neck and I woke up the next day in a puddle of blood.” ’ [Emphasis in the original]
Yeah, so. Like I say, maybe we’ll find out what happened soon.
I just had an Aha! Moment. I more deeply understand the absurdity of calling it "drowning while swimming" after reading this one. The guy knows how to swim, he's observed in the act of swimming, and then he drops down. This isn't drowning after all. It's dying while swimming. But that's wrongthink or wrongspeak. Only the new meanings, new thought new terminology is allowed. It's becoming more and more Orwellian.
17 years old. It's hard to believe that all of these healthy young people are walking around with "undiagnosed heart issues". Athletes have to undergo physicals to participate.