My mother-in-law has spent weeks in the hospital this year, with multiple surgeries, all of which haven’t helped, but made her worse. Doctors act as though they’re baffled, some say it’s like ‘mystery diagnosis.’ They’re making so much money off of these poor victims. They know. The hospitals are overflowing with victims of the gene-therapy shots.

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May your mother-in-law find healing.

Re: "They know." Relatedly, here's one I found today, from early on:



icrunchfakedata, posted November 8, 2021


This appears to have been filmed at a protest march. The interviewer films the nurse as she walks in the street; there are drums in the background.


NURSE: This is a global experiment. Global clinical trials.


NURSE: But it's not going actually very well for the people—


NURSE: — and any nurse can tell you that the hospital systems are full with vaccinated patients with adverse reactions.

INTERVIEWER (MALE VOICE): Can you repeat that again? So the hospitals are full—

NURSE: The hospitals are full of vaccinated patients with adverse reactions.

INTERVIEWER (MALE VOICE): How long was it that you left the job?

NURSE: When it was mandated. [inaudible]

INTERVIEWER (MALE VOICE): A couple weeks ago.

NURSE: Yeah two weeks ago.

INTERVIEWER (MALE VOICE): OK, so before that time, you were seeing patient after patient being brought in with adverse reactions?

NURSE: Yes. Yes.


NURSE: I've got friends, nurses, we talk a lot, we know a lot of people. Directly at that time I wasn't in the hospital but all my friends were. Hospitals, you know. patient after patient coming into the emergency department, ICUs are full of vaccinated people with adverse reactions. They're saying it's covid.


NURSE: And the delta variant.


NURSE: Guess what, the delta variant is an adverse reaction.



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Another, this one from 2022:


From the censored and shadow-banned April 20, 2022 press conference in which Minnesota Representative Glenn Gruenhagen Introduces HF2348 - A resolution to create a COVID-19 vaccine bill of rights.



PATTI CARROLL*: Next up I'd like to introduce Mark Bishofsky. Mark was a talented and respected frontline care worker who witnessed workplace practices that ended up changing his life. Thanks for being here, Mark.


MARK BISHOFSKY: Thank you, Patti. So yeah I've written up some stuff to say but I do want to add also that I am myself vaccine injured. I was injured by a tetanus vaccine in 2014 and I deal with the symptoms of that daily, and long story short, I'm lucky to be alive. One of my children was injured by an MMR vaccine and we deal with that, my wife and I deal with that every single day.

And I think we need to also acknowledge that to just blindly trust these pharmaceutical companies is an exercise in some kind of craziness because you need not look any further than the drugs Bextra,* Vioxx** or Johnson & Johnson's baby powder.*** Pfizer was fined 2.3 billion dollars in 2007, it's the largest fine ever handed out by the Department of Justice, for lying, bribing, and manipulating data. And we also need to acknowledge that sometimes the FDA, the CDC and these big pharmaceutical companies can be seen as maybe one entity if not just a revolving door. So to just, to just trust them and their data is not something I am going to do.

So yeah again I've been a respiratory therapist for 23 years. I have an advanced skill set, I've worked with all age groups and all critical care settings, including medical transport. I loved my job. I loved taking care of patients and collaborating with doctors to figure out how to best take care of these patients.

But that all ended with the covid pandemic.

It used to be OK to ask questions in the hospital. But it is no longer OK to do that. I worked through the pandemic up until October of last year and what I witnessed was mind-boggling.

Early intubation, the use of remdesivir. Even after the World Health Organization recommended not using remdesivir, in the lack of effort to try anything other than the failed, deadly protocol made absolutely no sense to me. I tried to get Ivermectin for my patients that were asking for it as an alternative treatment, but it was never given. I asked for hydroxychloroquine. I tried to give to give my patients something as safe and effective and inexpensive as just Vitamin D, completely harmless to try, but they wouldn't give it.

I even presented research showing that these interventions were effective.

I pushed to get my patients noninvasive ventilation rather than having them be intubated. I held the hands and tried to advocate for patients who were not allowed to have family members by their side to advocate for them. I held some of those hands until those patients took their very last breath because I refused to let them die alone.

I worked through the pandemic before there was a vaccine, and I did that without proper protective equipment. And I did it because I wanted to help people.

Once there was a vaccine, I was no longer good enough. I could have submitted for a religious exemption but I decided I could no longer be a part of the system that was leaving its patients to die without proper care, without attempting anything other than the failed protocol.

Ivermectin is not horse paste. Ivermectin is a Nobel prize-winning human drug. And to ignore it, to ignore an inexpensive, potentially effective, low-risk medication, but to use a medication like remdesivir which is extremely expensive and probably dangerous, just blows my mind.

The doctors I used to work with, I had an impeccable relationship with them. But once I started to question anything, they would no longer talk to me. I was ostracized. The mood in the hospital became very dark, not just with me but with everyone.

The medical system is no longer what it used to be. I gave up a career that I loved. And I am not the only one. And if anybody is wondering why there is a shortage of healthcare workers, look no further than vaccine mandates. Hospitals are short-staffed during a pandemic because of a silly mandate for a vaccine that is proving to be much less effective than advertised.

The last point I want to bring up is something that I noticed in August of 2021. For the last 10 years working at the hospital I was working at, July and August were always very, very slow. This was the time of the year where you would kick back, take a vacation, take a deep breath after going through the busy season. But in 2021, July and August were extremely busy. In fact we were taking patients in a suburban hospital all the way from Bemidji** because every single hospital in the metro was full this past July and August. And it was not covid. There were almost zero cases of covid. What changed? What changed last year that made these hospitals full all the time now? What could it have possibly have been? To ask myself and to want to ask these doctors, could this be a vaccine injury? These clots, this bleeding? You could not do it. You absolutely could not debate science in these hospitals anymore. That is what I experienced. And if I would have asked those questions I would have been ostracized even worse.

And I will leave you with this. I resigned in September. In my last day of work I asked the doctor what his thoughts were, regarding giving young men the vaccine who are at a higher risk of getting myocarditis from the vaccine than they are for even being hospitalized from covid. And he said to me, I don't have the bandwidth. He would not engage me on that question. But within two hours, I was walked out of the hospital by my director and by security and they wouldn't even tell me why. In the end they told me I was going rogue.

So to ask a doctor what his thoughts are about the vaccine in these young men getting myocarditis is going rogue.

What is happening in this country and in this world is insane. And people, please, need to wake up.

Thank you.



# # #


*Patti Carroll is Executive Director of the Vaccine Safety Council, Minnesota.

*Bextra was a drug sold by Pfizer for which in 2009 the US Department of Justice imposed a 2.3 billion dollar fine, the largest settlement for healthcare fraud. The details are on the U.S. department of Justice website at this link:


**Vioxx was a painkiller that for many people resulted in fatal or serious heart damage. A thorough timeline of the Vioxx story can be found at this link:

https://www.npr.org/2007/11/10/5470430/timeline-the-rise-and-fall-of-vioxx. Of note, in 2007 when Merck's 4.85 billion dollar settlement was the largest settlement ever.

***Johnson & Johnson's baby powder contained asbestos, a known carcinogen.

See also the US Department of Justice Press Release November 4, 2013, "Johnson & Johnson to Pay More Than $2.2 Billion to Resolve Criminal and Civil Investigations"


**Bemidji is a town in Minnesota approximately 220 miles northwest of Minneapolis.

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Desiree & Robert Letellier, Dracut, Critical Care Nurse, The Faces of Vaccine Injury MA

Posted June 14, 2023



DESIREE LETELLIER: Good afternoon. My name is Desiree Letellier and I come from Dracut, Massachusetts.

I stand here today to share with you [voice breaks] not my own personal experience of coercion, which actually led to me being fired as a critical care nurse on December of 2022, but to share my father's story.

My father was a healthy 63 year old man whose voice was silenced once and for all on January 31st 2022. [crying] Apologize. His name was Robert Letellier, Jr. He was given an ultimatum at his work, to either get vaccinated for covid, wear a mask at work for 10 hours a day, or lose his job. He chose to get vaccinated for covid because he did not want to wear the his mask and he couldn't afford to lose his job.

I pleaded with him to refrain from taking the vaccine, but he did what he felt

he had no choice.

As a nurse I had witnessed injuries and deaths directly attributed to the vaccine's administration. Working on the front lines, I saw covid taken the human out of humanity and the vaccine took my human from this earth.

My father received his second Pfizer vaccine around July of 2022. Initially he had no issues, but by October he was suffering from intense generalized pain and insomnia and his pleas for help from the medical community were disregarded and dismissed with all his testing being negative. He had multiple ER and PCP visits with no answers.

For the sake of time, his timeline of illness is as follows.

On December 29, 2022 a six centimeter mass was found compressing his airway. This is the same imaging two months prior that showed nothing present.

On January 6th he was back at the ER for his PET scan for a immense debilitating pain as the mass was growing at an unprecedented rate per the doctors. It was now compressing nerves and his airway.

Two weeks after the finding of the mass he underwent a bronchoscopy with biopsy.

On January 25th his biopsy results came back inconclusive. No cancer was seen. When I asked the doctor to remove the mass as was causing him immense pain and respiratory distress, I was told it was not possible and my fear of it compressing his [inaudible] airway was unrealistic.

While on January 31st he called 911 and he cardiac arrested in the ambulance en route to the hospital. And the mass did exactly what I feared, compressed his airway.

On February 1st he was due back for a repeat biopsy but he obviously never made it. He was at the funeral home preparing for his burial.

The makers of the vaccine wanted their data to be hidden from the public for 75 years.* What happened to informed consent?

Thankfully people are waking up and demanding answers as their vaccinated friends and loved ones are facing injuries and death which remained unexplained. As the truth continues to come out regarding these vaccines vindication is not rewarding but devastating to say the least.

The people such as I who have been sounding the alarm have been mocked, isolated, and

even exiled from our communities and workplace because we remained unvaccinated. We as free people were subjected to medical tyranny and many people in power perpetra—,

perpetrated, I can't even say it, it upon us for over two years. Please listen to our stories and realize you and your loved ones are not immune to the harms this vaccine has caused. I thank you for the opportunity to share my father's story with you.


# # #


This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts


For more about the event, see co-founder Julie Booras' introductory speech:


See also:

Vaccine injured rally on Beacon Hill

by Doc Pruyne, June 17, 2023


*The Pfizer documents, which Pfizer wanted to withhold from the public for 75 years, and the story of how a US court ordered their release under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, can be found at this link:


Of note is the Pfizer 5.3.6 document which title is: Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021


On p. 7, table 1, you will see the report of 1,223 deaths.

On p. 30 Adverse Events of Special Interest.

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Ex's brother back in hospital after removal of a leg tumor. He insinuated I was stupid for not jabbing, now I am supposed to be sympathetic. This is exactly what the cabal wanted, for us to hate each other over these injuries and deaths.

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