I did a look around the s/s digital neighborhood and you seem to be one of very few who picked it up. There is a guy named Jason Whitlock that is somewhat of a saddle burr to many but pulls stories like this on occasion. I concur this guy is a true Icon and represents all that we read, discuss and occasionally blather about. Taking his pension is worse than spitting on him. I don't have the cabbage to share nor am I an NBA fan to speak off, but since you put this out I'll jump in. That guy is literally all of fathers, or grandfather. Shame on the players for not helping him. You give rabbits a good name....

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Class act. May he win damages as well.

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Worthy cause. Thanks...

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I partially did it because the Youtube video had like 1K views.

And also, HERO.

It's time we make a stand. Heroes are heroes. TRUE HEROES.


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We all need to share your article widely.

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If you read this'd have an internet machine, copy it and find as many sports channels as you can and paste it into the comments. Put name of show or person on show and erase parentheses too. Think of Horton Hears a Who and let them know We're Here!

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Hey (INSERT NAME HERE), here is a Heroic, man of faith that is standing alone against the system that you speak on. Give him a minute of your time. You may even know him. Oddly, with all the money I hear about with people swirling in and around the media, nobody is talking about him. His name is Ken Mauer. He is one of the longest-tenured referees in NBA history, spanning five different decades and over 2,100 regular season games, which was abruptly ended when he was forced out of the league because of his faith-based objections to the hastily-developed COVID injection, which was developed using aborted fetal tissue. Now they’re trying to bankrupt him, withholding his pension – money he's EARNED over a long and successful career. They’re trying to lay siege to him and lawyer him to death. He could your help to send a message to the NBA: you will not trample on religious and medical freedom. I'm not connected to the man, but he seems worthy of our respect and I intend to put him out there till someone listens. (I rewrote what was on his YouTube here.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EspY6Fr8fyo

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We need more people to do as Kenny. If someone was fired for not taking the jab, they need to sue. If someone was mandated by their employer to take the jab and suffered an adverse event, they (or their family if they are dead) need to sue.

This must never happen again. Looking back, it's extraordinary that the mandates were allowed to even happen. The lawsuits would make employers think twice about ever going along with it again.

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