The TROME Before TROME - It's This Week In 2020!
A deputy, an MMA fighter, a child in the UK. That's it. At least I don't have to work hard on this series. It doesn't look like.

It’s the Time (time time) Machine (machine machine)! I search every week for medical emergencies, and the question still remains: what did this look like before? That was kind of the point of this whole series to begin with. The “Rise” in “The Rise of the Medical Emergency” was actually conjecture. Well, let’s conjecture no more.
There really are two tiers to the time machine: pre-covid at all, and pre-shots, and, unfortunately, it won’t do to compare to pre-covid, so it looks like we’re stuck with the year 2020. It’s a weird year to measure next to any other year, by any measure, but, despite the lockdowns and despite the measures, people still carried on with their business. They wore the masks, badly, and forced you to wear one too if you wanted to eat in their little restaurant, or buy meat inside their shop, and didn’t want to end up standing on the sidewalk ordering pork tenderloin cuts from a talking Buffalo Bills flag. Which did leave a man hungry at times. But they didn’t shrivel up and disappear. They manned the Wal-Marts, the liquor stores, and the weed dispensaries. And everything.
So, without controlling for parameters, and without even identifying them, and without having access to any sort of “API” from the nice folks down at Google, I will sally forth, as before, but with a stronger machine now, one in less, but not no, danger of crashing my browser with all the open tabs, and repeat my stringent research methodology, typing the words “medical emergency” into the Google search bar, constraining by date, and then by News, but way back in the year
So here we go: It’s This Week In 2020, TROME before TROME.
Also, don’t worry about me if you think I’m doubling my work load. I’m not.
Also, the timespan of reporting for TROME has varied quite a bit since the first issue. At first it was an every-few-days thing, then it became weekly, and now in its present incarnation it’s weekdays, with a separate weekend edition. For now, for this 2020 review, I’ll stick to 7-day weeks, basically 4 per month. Here goes.
#1 King County deputy involved in fatal crash during medical emergency dies a week later
‘SEATTLE — A King County Sheriff's deputy was believed to be suffering from a medical emergency when he struck another vehicle, killing the driver, has died.’
‘Deputy Reggie Thomas was driving a patrol car near the intersection of Airport Way S. and S. Doris St. in Seattle's Georgetown neighborhood at the end of August when he had a stroke behind the wheel, according to the King County Sheriff's Office.’
‘During the incident, he lost control of the patrol car and hit a parked vehicle on the side of the road. The parked car had a woman inside, deputies said. ’
‘Detectives said she was parked outside of a store, waiting for a loved one inside. When the deputy hit her vehicle, it pushed her car into two other parked, empty cars, making it a four-car accident.’
Doctors not baffled.
#2 Geoff Neal recounts harrowing near-death experience after suffering through mystery medical emergency
‘Geoff Neal didn’t know he was near death after being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.’
‘“Pretty much, it started off just a headache,” Neal explained in an interview with MMA Fighting. “It was real light, and I thought it was because I had a concussion. Because we had gone really hard on the Tuesday from sparring day, and I was going against some really big dudes and we were going at it. The next day, I thought I had a concussion.’
Sudden sepsis. Which is fairly TROME.
‘“Whatever infection I had, it went septic,” Neal said. “So they pretty much had to clean my blood. It was a whole mess.”’
‘“They still don’t know what caused it,” Neal said. “They know everything that happened after, but they don’t know what initially caused me to go septic. I wasn’t really too scared. I stayed positive through the whole thing. It never once crossed my mind that I was going to die or that I was close to dying. They told me that after the fact once I got better.’
He had previously had covid.
‘While doctors still haven’t diagnosed what went wrong, Neal knows his brush with death wasn’t related to COVID-19 because he previously tested positive for the disease earlier this year. All recent tests also came back negative.’
‘The mystery disease that struck him down came out of nowhere, and there’s still no answers on what caused him to get sick. Neal just knows now that he’s on the other side of the medical emergency and that he appreciates everything life is giving him now.’
#3 Thorpe Park incident: Air ambulance called to child medical emergency near Swarm ride
‘A child has been rushed to hospital by air ambulance from Thorpe Park Resort in Surrey.’
‘The amusement park confirmed on Twitter that emergency services had been called to the site to help a child.’
‘The patient is believed to be a child.’
‘The incident is believed to have taken place near the Swarm ride earlier this afternoon.’
And that’s a wrap. Something tells me these are gonna be easy.
Might I suggest MEs before TROME. It will be interesting if you get more details, send like the reports seem to be a bit more descriptive.