The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 55 - July 15th Reports
Netanyahu thought he was dehydrated, but it was just his heart. Another terrifying plane crash, another single-vehicle auto wreck, and another suddenly dead inmate. It's TROME
Just what is a true medical emergency? Let’s use the magic of reporting events two weeks late: the fast-forward button, to find out:
July 15th:
1) Netanyahu says he’s feeling ‘very good’ after hospitalized with apparent dehydration

‘Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday evening that he was feeling “very good” after being rushed to the emergency room at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan earlier in the day.
He was undergoing “further routine examination” on Saturday evening after the hospital said it assessed he was suffering from dehydration and “nothing untoward was found” in initial tests.
In a video statement from Sheba issued at around 7:15 p.m., Netanyahu said: “Yesterday I was with my wife at the Sea of Galilee, in the sun, without a hat, without water. Not a good idea,” he added with a smile.’
‘Netanyahu, 73, was brought by convoy from his home in Caesarea, where he was spending the weekend. He was said to be fully conscious and walking without assistance.’
“Said to be fully conscious,” lol.
Sounds like a lot of to-do for dehydration, don’t it? It do. Well, things must be OK. Look at how happy his children are:
Well, I hope that dehydration resolved itself with a little salt water and some rest.
Let’s fast-forward a week.
July 24th:
1a) Israeli doctors reveal Netanyahu’s chronic heart problem only after implanting pacemaker
‘After undergoing emergency surgery to implant a pacemaker, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 73, made a video appearance from a hospital near Tel Aviv. Wearing a crisp dark suit, he grinned and declared energetically that he felt “great, as you can see.”’
‘A week after a fainting spell, Netanyahu was urgently fitted with a pacemaker to control his heartbeat. Only then did staff at the Sheba Medical Center reveal Sunday night that Netanyahu has for years experienced a condition that can cause irregular heartbeats.’
How many years? Lol. Two?
‘Until Sunday, the cardiologists had publicly played down concerns, saying the prime minister was dehydrated and describing his heartbeat as “completely normal.”’
A little cageyness is always to be expected, I suppose, regarding major politicians’ health struggles. We are at an apex moment of embarrassment in US politics right now, as I write this today, Saturday, July 29, and we see that cageyness in full display. We have the disgusting and pathetic mess pretending to deserve the big chair in the Oval Office, we have Senator Fetterman, the stroked-out lout second only to Biden in gibberish production, Diane “Just say Aye” Feinstein, and of course, the pinnacle: Mitch “Let’s-Play-Statue” McConnell, who just froze solid at the mic for 30 seconds — count ‘em — in the middle of warbling out some lie or platitude at the microphone the other day. I don’t know if there’s a point I’m trying to make or what — my mind is kind of overwhelmed with this avalanche of bullshit, and now that Im’ talking about “medical emergencies” and the cageyness of politicians…
OK. Take a breath. Long and short, there was no dehydration. That was fake news. Which is “your regularly scheduled programming.” The “dehydration” news was an outright lie, wasn’t it? Momma don’t take my Kodachrome away. Because they always lie about this.
2) Small plane crashes trying to land on Martha's Vineyard with 2 people onboard
‘A small plane crashed while trying to land at the airport on Martha's Vineyard Saturday, after the pilot suffered a medical emergency onboard.’
First sentence. Shouldn’t that be in the headline?
‘According to state and local police, the pilot -- identified only as an 79-year-old man -- was having a medical episode upon approach, forcing his passenger -- a 68-year-old woman -- to take over the controls.
The woman attempted to land the aircraft, which resulted in a hard landing outside the runway, causing the aircraft's left wing to break in half, state police said.’
The passenger landed the plane? Shouldn’t that be in the headline?
‘Local police described the incident as a the plane landing on its belly with no landing gear and said the pilot had to be extricated from the plane.’
What a horrible scene. Oh my God.
‘State police said later Saturday that he was in serious, life-threatening condition. Police have not said what kind of medical episode he was experiencing onboard the plane.
The woman was not injured, according to state police, but she was evaluated at the hospital and then released.’
3) Driver dies after suffering medical emergency and crashing truck Friday
‘A man died Friday after he crashed his pickup into a wall and utility pole in Des Moines.’
‘The 61-year-old man appeared to be suffering from a "medical event" before the crash, according to Sgt. Paul Parizek.’
If he wasn’t, then he probably would have given up after hitting the wall. Or the pole. I’m not sure which one came first.
‘Because the driver died from an apparent medical injury, Parizek said the fatality is not considered "traffic-related."’
Gruesome. Guy just died while driving.
This needs to be made into a movie. And not the normalization kind, either — but the horror kind.
4) Duval County inmate found dead in jail cell, JSO says
On July 9th, Notasha Morrison, 40, was arrested for violating probation on fentanyl dealing charges.
‘According to police, Morrison was initially put in a general population dorm, but due to erratic behavior, she was moved to a self-harm dorm as a precautionary measure.
On Thursday, July 13, JSO said, Morrison started laying on the floor of her cell, refusing to lie in her bed, which caused officers and medical staff to continuously check on her throughout the day.
She was last seen moving around on the floor of her cell around 7:15 p.m., JSO said. When officers and medical staff were conducting their 10 p.m. rounds, Morrison was found unresponsive.
The Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department was called and determined that she had died.
Police believe that Morrison had an undetermined medical episode. Police said it does not appear that she had contact with other inmates or officers that may have contributed to her medical emergency.
The medical examiner’s office will determine her cause of death.’
I think they know what fentanyl overdose looks like, so the fact they call it “undetermined” tells me it’s… I don’t know. Prisons are cagey about this type of thing, too.
Unbelievable isn’t it? Thank you for your candor and wit with the topic of genocide.
The Netanyahu and Martha's Vineyard stories sound like the democide agenda is starting to affect those higher up the food chain.