When Lisa Shaw, the BBC presenter, died in May of 2021 of blood clots from the AstraZeneca shots, I told people about it and they asked me: “Out of how many shots? To how many people?” It turns out the answer to that stupid question was: “Not all that many.” But in the meantime, I would point out to them that they might want to ask instead: “Out of how many BBC presenters?”
Why not look at them as a group? They’re almost all shotted. They’re usually not extremely old. Why not look at them as a group? How are they doing?
Well, we know the answer to that of course, by now. They’re doing as badly as everyone else.
I thought for sure, though, that when it finally “started happening” to NFL players, then people would really wake up. It’s not “happening” to NFL players, people told me.
Well, I’m here to tell you it’s happening. It’s been happening since the shots rolled out.
This article was kind of kick-started when Dr. Paul Alexander brought up the Isaiah Bolden on-field collapse in a Substack a couple days ago. I watched the video, and I don’t find it too suspicious. He got spun around in a circle in-place from what looked like contact to his helmet by his buddy, who was in the process of putting the hurt on a guy right then. Bolden caught all of that with his helmet and then that spun him around is what it looked like to me.
Keep your eye on the guy in white and blue on the very top of the screen. He’s going to make contact with his own player:
According to CBS the team said he was released from the hospital:
‘"After undergoing a series of evaluations and being held for overnight observations, Patriots cornerback Isaiah Bolden has been released from the Aurora Bay Medical Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin, where he was transported to after sustaining an on-field injury in the fourth quarter of Saturday night's preseason game between the New England Patriots and the Green Bay Packers. Isaiah will travel with the team today.”’
Not too suspicious to me. If you want suspicious, then watch the 2022 game between the Lions and the Patriots (You have to click the link on the “Video unavailable” card in order to watch the video. It’s a strange copyright restriction):
If you want suspicious, then you watch the shots give the 2021 game between the Los Angeles Chargers and the Kansas City Chiefs to the Chiefs. Snatched it right out of the Chargers’ hands. This is what what would have been the game-winning touchdown looked like:
If you notice around the 10 second mark his buddy comes up to him and the first thing he does is grab the ball. He must have thought Parham was doing some kind of strange touchdown celebration, because I don’t think the ball would be his top priority at that moment otherwise.
If you want to describe this catch, to pick apart which detail may have led to the trauma, you might look at some particular way he landed after jumping, or how his head hit the ground. I think the easiest way to look at it is this: If you were to describe this catch you would simply say it was a perfect catch. He caught the ball mid-air, landed, his body making contact with the ground first, and his helmet didn’t appear to strike the ground with any great force. No other player could get to him. You call it a perfect airborne catch and you really don’t have to say anything else about it.
After his head tapped the ground, he seized up in the fencing posture, which is a sign of severe brain trauma. I don’t know my way around medical diagnoses, but it seems to me like pressure on the brain — from fluid of some type — might cause the reaction we saw. And the words “blood on the brain” and “water on the brain” are words I’ve read far too often since the shots rolled out.
In the media, of course, it’s ABTV.
So there’s us.
Well, to start off, with all these shot mandates the league must have done well against covid, right? Nope. Here is a typical report, this one from Jan 2022:
NFL COVID-19/reserve list: Handful of Eagles added
There’s something like 200 names on this list.
That’s more than 10 percent of the league.
As soon as the NFL players start falling over on the field, THEN the sheep will wake up.
Well wake up, sheep. Wake the hell up already.
There are at most 1,696 players in the NFL during the active season — 32 teams with a maximum of 53 players per team. Here’s a list of 10 likely shot-injured players.
That’s 1 in 170, about one-half of one percent.
10 NFL players with mysterious illness or death since the shots rolled out
1) Luke Wilson - Pericardial effusion
2) Vinny Curry - Blood clots
3) Donald Parham, Jr - Traumatic brain injury with no contact from another player
4) JJ Watt - Atrial fibrillation
5) Josh Sweat - Ruptured artery
6) Henry Anderson - Stroke
7) Saivion Smith - Collapsed on field
8) Damar Hamlin - Cardiac arrest on field
9) KJ Hamler - Pericarditis
10) Foster Moreau - Cancer
Here’s a little more detail on each of these cases
1) Luke Wilson Seattle Seahawks - 33 - retired 2021 with “pericardial effusion,” which I’ve read referred to as basically a symptom of pericarditis (eg I read in a table somewhere where pericarditis was listed as “with” or “without” pericardial effusion). Rumor has it Luke blamed the shots, and other players did as well (EDIT: That last bit about the rumor — that’s me. I’m the source of that rumor. I’m not the ultimate source of it, but I’m also not in a position right now to reveal who the source is). Source
2) Vinny Curry New York Jets - 35 - missed 2021 season with blood clots following surgery for a “rare blood disorder.” It’s unclear to me if he’s playing this season or not. He signed with the Jets in 2022 but was placed on the injured reserve list. I just checked the Jets’ current roster and Vinny’s not on it. Source
3) Donald Parham, Jr Los Angeles Chargers - 26 - traumatic brain injury after catching a perfect pass in the air and landing perfectly without contact from another player — immediately seized and went into the fencing posture (Dec 2021). Dropped the game-winning pass as a result. The Chargers should have won that game. Source
4) JJ Watt Arizona Cardinals - 34 - atrial fibrillation (Sept 2022) - Played after the heart injury, but retired at end of 2022 season. Source
5) Josh Sweat Philadelphia Eagles - 26 - suffered a ruptured artery while at home in January 2022, which doctors told him would have killed him if it had happened when he had been asleep when it happened, and then suffered a mysterious neurological injury after making a tackle a year later on the first day of 2023. Source
6) Henry Anderson Carolina Panthers - 32 - stroke (Oct 2022) Source
7) Saivion Smith Detroit Lions - 25 - collapsed on field after missing a tackle - (Oct 2022) Source
8) Damar Hamlin Buffalo Bills - 25 - revived after death from cardiac arrest on the playing field in Jan 2023 Source
9) KJ Hamler Denver Broncos - 24 - pericarditis (Jul 2023) Source
10) Foster Moreau Las Vegas Raiders - 26 - cancer (Hodgkin’s Lymphoma) - treated and in remission. He’s set to play this season. Source
Byron Jones Miami Dolphins - retired in 2023 citing injuries from playing football. We have seen athletes deteriorate medically and mysteriously after the shots wherein they don’t heal as quickly as they did before. Emma Raducanu is a good example of that. I find this one suspicious and I would certainly like to see proof — or evidence — it wasn’t from the shots.
1) Malik Gant NE Patriots - dead - 25
2) Clark Haggans Pittsburgh Steelers - dead - 46
3) Sean Dawkins Indianapolis Colts - dead - 52
4) Ryan Mallett - drowned while swimming at the beach - 35
5) Chris Smith - ex-NFL, was currently playing in XFL - dead - 31
6) Stanley Wilson, Jr Detroit Lions - died while in police custody from pulmonary embolism - 40
7) Sidney Thornton Pittsburgh Steelers - dead - 68
8) Chris Baker - stroke - 35
9) Uche Nwaneri Jacksonville Jaguars - dead - 38 - called for jailing the unvaccinated
10) Ronnie Hillman Denver Broncos - dead - rare cancer (renal medullary carcinoma, diagnosed August 2022, pneumonia) - 31
11) Paul Duncan - dead (cardiac arrest) - 35
12) Adrian Dingle San Diego Chargers - dead - 45
13) Marion Barber Dallas Cowboys - dead (He was found dead in his apartment and they claim the autopsy shows it was “heat stroke”) - 38
14) Jimmy Williams Seattle Seahawks - dead (“undisclosed illness”) - 43
15) Demaryius Thomas Denver Broncos - dead (seizure) - 33
16) Tony Siragusa Baltimore Ravens - dead (suddenly) - 55
17) Ed Jasper Atlanta Falcons - dead - 49
18) Deion Sanders - Toes amputated / blood clots - 56
19) Parys Haralson San Fransisco 49’ers - dead (stroke) - 37
20) Shane Olivea San Diego Chargers - dead - 40
21) Glenn Foster New Orleans Saints - dead - 31
Okay, real quick here — anything jump out while reading this list besides the overabundance of sudden and mysterious and unexplained deaths? The ages really caught my eye. Let’s get an average just to have some idea here… 41, which drops to 40 with the exclusion of the oldest member of the list.
This is not an exhaustive list — it excludes most of the old guys and I probably missed some as well. I have 21 ex-NFL players dying or falling strangely ill since the shots rolled out — and we’re not talking about the older players here. The oldest on this list is the only one in his 60’s, and there are only 3 in their 50’s. The remaining 17 are in their 40’s or younger.
This list is certainly selected towards the lower age range by yours truly, as I said. Statistical rigor isn’t the point. Sudden deaths at 40 is the point. 20 ex-NFL players, with an average age of 40, have died or fallen seriously ill since the shots rolled out. They died from stroke, from pulmonary embolism, from seizure, from sudden drowning, from cardiac arrest. From “heat stroke.”
It’s much like the pattern we’re seeing in the rest of society. Stroke coordinator and nurse in the UCHealth System in Colorado was quoted in a recent article saying that strokes in the 18-45 age range have doubled. Interestingly enough, the article mentions the shots!
‘Others have asked if it has to do with the COVID-19 vaccine, which Baker says no studies have linked as a potential cause.’
Have any been done? Nevermind, it sounds like she has a much stronger theory in mind:
‘"One of the theories is people are more sedentary, less active. We like things fast. Fast food and quick and easy and not necessarily healthy for us," Baker said.’
We like things fast. We got even more sedentary.
Those ex-NFL players must have really let themselves go.
‘For decades many have assumed strokes were largely limited to those among older generations.’
You know, at what point is bad reporting criminally bad? People didn’t merely assume strokes were mostly limited to old people. With the thing being a known fact for all history, only the lazy would simply assume it to be true. The rest would know it is.
And everybody knows it isn’t true now. Not any longer. Not since the shots rolled out.
Potentially shot-injured NFL players:
Luke Wilson, Vinny Curry, Donald Parham Jr, JJ Watt, Josh Sweat, Henry Anderson, Saivion Smith, Damar Hamlin, KJ Hamler, Foster Moreau
Their ailments are:
Pericardial effusion, blood clots, traumatic brain injury during play of game without contact from another player, atrial fibrillation, ruptured artery, stroke, collapse, cardiac arrest, pericarditis, and cancer
BTW... Great title of article. Very well done! Sad but true. Thank You
Great information you have researched! Thank You!
Mos Def sharing!!! 💥♥️💥